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Plumbing Services in Birmingham AL

Flexible appointments available for service and repairs!
24/7 Emergency Services Available!

Emergency, Commercial, and Residential Plumbing Services in Birmingham, AL

When you are faced with a crisis and need an emergency plumber in Birmingham, AL, our team of residential and commercial plumbing experts are ready to go to work. Any time, day or night, our trained and experienced team of experts will get the job done. With our 24-hour emergency plumbing services, residents know they can rest easy and the best of the best is on their way!

Commercial Plumbing

For businesses of all sizes, there is a lot to keep up with and it can be difficult to stay on top of everything to keep the business running smoothly. A problem with the plumbing system can bring everything to a crawl or a complete standstill. Don’t let this happen to you and your employees. Call us today, and we will take care of any water leak repairs in Birmingham, AL, and the surrounding areas.

Residential Plumbing

When you need the best in plumbing services in Birmingham, AL, or the neighboring communities, give us a call! No matter how big or small the issue may be, we can take care of it for you. Day or night, we are here for you and will treat you and your family with the respect and professionalism you deserve. All it takes is one call to get started.

It can be difficult to know where to turn and what to do when you are faced with a plumbing emergency. When you call the Plumb One team, you are calling in the best of the best. Call now for a consultation and a free estimate.



Plumbing emergencies occur on their own schedule regardless of the time of day or night. Plumb One Inc., is available 24/7 for emergency plumbing services.

  • Water heaters
  • Faucets
  • Fixture replacements
  • Disposals
  • Water softeners
  • Pumps
  • Toilet repairs
  • Water leak investigation & repairs

We offer the following services for your sewage and drain:

  • Conventional cleaning services
  • Sewage pump repair and replacement
  • Sewer line location and video camera inspection
  • Sewer line repair and replacement
  • High pressure sewer jetting

Absolutely. Contact us so we can give you a quote!

Absolutely. Contact us so we can give you a quote!

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